Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm Becky and I'll be Your Server Today

I'm very sensitive to the service I get in a restaurant. Yesterday we ate in Balboa Park in San Diego and Becky was our waitress. She wanted to know how our day was going. She was very interesting in knowing where we were from. And when she poured coffee she shielded us from potential splashes with a napkin held behind the cup. When she saw my camera on the table she volunteered to take this picture. She really was a very nice person. But there was a point at which I wanted to say: "Enough already." The only thing I know about service is that too good is better than bad.

1 comment:

  1. If I sit down for a meal, my expectations are for good, attentive service, but not intrusive. That's hard to define. What drives me crazy, and it's not only in restaurants, is when you're not acknowledged. All they have to say is, "I'll be right with you". The MPFC that comes to mind is when Graham Chapman points out to the waiter that his fork has a speck of dirt on it...
